RFID, Industry 4.0 digital factories and the connected SMART tire

Every year approximately 2 billion tires are produced, worldwide. But behind the scenes, tire manufacturing, retreading and retail  is a very complex industry.

The Digital Factory

Tires are universal. Every year approximately 2 billion tires are produced, worldwide. But behind the scenes, tire manufacturing, retreading and retail  is a very complex industry. It is partly so complicated, because the tire industry is one of the few industries where all raw materials come in and a finished, ready to use product is the final output. Any manufacturer defects, as a result of process malfunctions can have life threatening consequences. We trust service providers that the plane will land safely, truck and car tires will not malfunction due to substandard materials or manufacturing.

To maintain the public trust, tire manufacturers are under constant pressure to improve tire quality, simultaneously reducing tire production costs, offer more services and reduce end costs to the consumer.

While RFID technology is not new, FineLine Technologies and its subsidiaries Data2 and Ferm RFID Solutions have developed comprehensive solutions, leveraging RFID technology.  Specifically designed for tire manufacturers, we’re helping manufactures in their conversion to digital factories and employing Industry 4.0 technology.

All applications have been developed in close consultation with various tire manufacturers and extensively tested in harsh production environments. Not only on the tag level, but also combined with  the correct RFID readers, antennas and links with back-end systems.

To learn more about our tire solutions for mold management, production workflow, logistics, fleet management, and regulatory compliance visit us at finelivedev.wpengine.com/tires.



Packaging World Features FineLine’s RFID Solutions

FineLine Technologies is featured in Packaging World for providing the RFID solution that enabled Paris Corp. to successfully meet Walmart’s RFID tagging mandate.

RFID Journal Highlights FineLine’s QCtrak App

FineLine Technologies introduces one of the first RFID quality control applications on the market allowing product manufacturers to ensure their RFID tags meet retailer mandates.

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